Wednesday, October 29, 2014

2014 September 18 * Cheryl's Everyday #Haiku * Day 18

    Haiku Poem

red-faced in a group
inviting others to change
one leaf takes the fall.

By Cheryl Crockett 

#1aday2014 #haiku #poem
#leaves #autumn

2014 September 17 * Cheryl's Everyday #Haiku * Day 17

    Haiku Poem

empty fitness room
staking my territory
early for Zumba

By Cheryl Crockett 

#1aday2014 #haiku #poem
#zumba #workout #exercise

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

2014 September 16 * Cheryl's Everyday #Haiku * Day 16

    Haiku Poem

Central Park turf war
Squirrel factions hold grudges
Acorns are bullets

By Cheryl Crockett 

#afterdaddy #1aday2014 #haiku #poem
#acorns #autumn #squirrels

Monday, October 13, 2014

2014 September 15 * Cheryl's Everyday #Haiku * Day 15

    Haiku Poem

disorganized effort
puts carts before horses
everyone must PUSH!

By Cheryl Crockett 

#1aday2014 #haiku #poem
#disorganized #carts #horses

2014 September 14 * Cheryl's Everyday #Haiku * Day 14

    Haiku Poem

encroaching darkness
stars wait at horizon's edge
smoldering sunset

By Cheryl Crockett 

#1aday2014 #haiku #poem
#sunset #dusk #darkness
#stars #horizon #night

Monday, October 6, 2014

2014 September 13 * Cheryl's Everyday #Haiku * Day 13

    Haiku Poem

Praying mantis

Office doorway
Cautious workers
Rear entrance

By Cheryl Crockett 

#1aday2014 #haiku #poem
#prayingmantis #autumn

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

2014 September 12 * Cheryl's Everyday #Haiku * Day 12

    Haiku Poem

women's pink sweatshirt

cancer walk registration
wigs and grateful smiles

By Cheryl Crockett 

#1aday2014 #haiku #poem
#breastcancer #survival #cancer

2014 September 11 * Cheryl's Everyday #Haiku * Day 11

    Haiku Poem

The path of the sun
Arcs across a lowered route
Autumn has arrived

By Cheryl Crockett 

#1aday2014 #haiku #poem
#Autumn #Daylight #FallBack
#EasternStandardTime #Equinox 

2014 September 10 * Cheryl's Everyday #Haiku * Day 10

    Haiku Poem

a blinding brightness

outshines the smile of the sun
joyful solar flare

By Cheryl Crockett 

#1aday2014 #haiku #poem
#solarflare #sunshine

2014 September 09 * Cheryl's Everyday #Haiku * Day 09

    Haiku Poem

Shiny kitchen floor

Freshly fallen crumbs await
Moonbeams and a mouse

By Cheryl Crockett 

#1aday2014 #haiku #poem
#mouse #mice #moonbeams
#pestcontrol #exterminator

2014 September 08 * Cheryl's Everyday #Haiku * Day 08

    Haiku Poem

smokey promises

impressive infomercial
but does it do that?

By Cheryl Crockett 

#1aday2014 #haiku #poem
#infomercial #marketing