Wednesday, October 28, 2015

2015 September 20 * Cheryl's Everyday #Haiku * Day 20

   Haiku Poem

Showing off antlers

With their best tree impressions
Deer claim bragging rights

By Cheryl Crockett 

#1aday2015 #haiku #poem 
#deer #antlers #nature #wildlife

Photo Credit: Holger SchuĂ© (a.k.a. "Music4Life") on Pixabay

Thursday, October 1, 2015

2015 September 23 * Cheryl's Everyday #Haiku * Day 23

   Haiku Poem

My path home from church

Before the leaves start to change
One last warm Sunday

By Cheryl Crockett 

#1aday2015 #haiku #poem
#Autumn #weather #warmth

Photo Credit: Petra from Ă–sterreich (a.k.a. "Pezibear") on Pixabay

2015 September 19 * Cheryl's Everyday #Haiku * Day 19

   Haiku Poem

green leaves turn yellow

belated June thank you notes
stamps for envelopes

By Cheryl Crockett 

#1aday2015 #haiku #poem
#truestory #thankyou #stationary

2015 September 18 * Cheryl's Everyday #Haiku * Day 18

   Haiku Poem

No eulogy for

personal space intruders
Dead bug epitaph

By Cheryl Crockett 

#1aday2015 #haiku #poem
#truestory #pestcontrol #Raid

2015 September 17 * Cheryl's Everyday #Haiku * Day 17

   Haiku Poem

Dead bug on napkin

He will not be remembered
Can of Raid on shelf

By Cheryl Crockett 

#1aday2015 #haiku #poem
#PestControl #insects #Raid

2015 September 16 * Cheryl's Everyday #Haiku * Day 16

   Haiku Poem

Flattened bug lays dead

Between the floor and my shoe
Trespass consequence

By Cheryl Crockett 

#1aday2015 #haiku #poem
#truestory #pestcontrol