Tuesday, August 10, 2021

2021 AUG 11 * #2021CEH


well after midnight
eyes open, I want someone 
to wake the sandman 

© 2021 Cheryl L. Crockett

#2021CEH #haiku #poem #poetry 
#CherylsEverydayHaiku  #midnight #wideawake 
#insomnia #sleep #bedtime
#Childrenspoems #CherylsPoemsForKids

Monday, August 9, 2021

2021 AUG 10 * #2021CEH


stocking their classrooms
with pencils, notebooks and masks 
regret prevention 

© 2021 Cheryl L. Crockett

#2021CEH #haiku #poem #poetry 
#CherylsEverydayHaiku #classroom #maskmandate
#teacher #K12 #education #COVID19

Sunday, August 8, 2021

2021 AUG 9 * #2021CEH


let's climb this mountain
and raise our hands to heaven 
clouds are below us 

© 2021 Cheryl L. Crockett

#2021CEH #haiku #poem #poetry 
#CherylsEverydayHaiku  #cloud #mountain 
#climb #Childrenspoems #CherylsPoemsForKids

Saturday, August 7, 2021

2021 AUG 8 * #2021CEH


as the decades pass
men I have met tell tall tales 
fiction rewritten 

© 2021 Cheryl L. Crockett

#2021CEH #haiku #poem #poetry 
#CherylsEverydayHaiku  #fiction #revisionist 
#history #men #liars #decades #talltales