Haiku #394
Proud father dances
Proud father dances
Holding his ultrasound proof
Blue paint in his trunk.By Cheryl Crockett
Rewind to last year:
Haiku #25
Flake filled clouds expand
Across darkening grey skies
Snow falls, finally!
Across darkening grey skies
Snow falls, finally!
by Cheryl Crockett
Adfontib added this #Haiku to the Feb. 13, 2014 edition of The Pythia’s #Option Daily. I decided to search paper.li's for "Poet-a-tete" and found something I might not have discovered otherwise. I cannot find a Twitter profile for Adfontib, otherwise I would say "thanks" personally.
Debora also included this #haiku in The Haiku Daily, Feb. 13th edition.
@GoodPoetryBlog added this #haiku and 3 others to The Poetry & Me Daily Part 3 Feb. 13th edition.