Friday, June 25, 2021

2021 JUN 25 * #2021CEH


Crowds outside courtroom
Far from permanent justice
No happy faces

© 2021 Cheryl L. Crockett

#2021CEH #haiku #poem #poetry 
#CherylsEverydayHaiku #BLM #justice
#guilty #Chauvin #GeorgeFloyd #jailtime #sentencing

Thursday, June 24, 2021

2021 JUN 24 * #2021CEH


Tardy tax refund
Postal workers pass daily
My empty mailbox

© 2021 Cheryl L. Crockett

#2021CEH #haiku #poem #poetry 
#CherylsEverydayHaiku #tax #refund
#USPS #empty #mail #postal #worker

Saturday, June 19, 2021

2021 JUN 19 * #2021CEH


Teen pins a corsage
Decked out in his rented tux
Smell of acne cream 

© 2021 Cheryl L. Crockett

#2021CEH #haiku #poem #poetry
#CherylsEverydayHaiku #haikuchallenge #deck 
#prom #teen #corsage #school #dance #date #smell
#acne #cream #highschool #tuxedo #homecoming

Thursday, June 17, 2021

2021 JUN 18 * #2021CEH


Tone deaf busker croons 
Unexpected key changes
Captive train riders 

© 2021 Cheryl L. Crockett

#2021CEH #haiku #poem #poetry #singer #train #keychange
#CherylsEverydayHaiku #tonedeaf #busker #riders #subway
#commute #trainride #modulation #crooner #karaoke #music

Subway singer doesn't care

The song has no key changes
He adds seven.

By Cheryl Crockett 

#1aday2014 #haiku #poem
#busker #singoffkey #musician

#TrueStory #CaptiveAudience

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

2021 JUN 17 * #2021CEH


Petal explosion 
Bridesmaids become
Wedding clashers

© 2021 Cheryl L. Crockett

#2021CEH #haiku #poem #poetry #bride #groom #wedding
#CherylsEverydayHaiku #bouquet #flowers #petals #bouquettoss
#reception #flowergirl #bridesmaid #senryu #6words #JuneWedding

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

2021 JUN 16 * #2021CEH


Outdoors, bugs roam free
But you came inside my home.
Meet my sneaker's sole

© 2021 Cheryl L. Crockett

#2021CEH #haiku #poem #poetry #bugs #exterminator #ant
#CherylsEverydayHaiku #roach #mosquito #insect #insecticide
#sneaker #shoe

Saturday, June 12, 2021

2021 JUN 12 * #2021CEH


Painted in my bowl
Gondolier points with his oar
At my next dumpling

© 2021 Cheryl L. Crockett

#2021CEH #haiku #poem #poetry #dumpling
#CherylsEverydayHaiku #gondolier #art #ceramic #bowl #China #ChineseFood
#lunch #oar #rowing 
#Cherylspoems4kids #Childrenspoems #YellowRiver

Friday, June 11, 2021

2021 JUN 11 * #2021CEH


Mom's Saturday trick
She wakes us up without words 
Smell of warm waffles

© 2021 Cheryl L. Crockett

#2021CEH #haiku #poem #poetry #parenting
#CherylsEverydayHaiku #silence #wakeup #mom #Saturday
#aroma #smell #trick #magic 
#weekend #waffles #breakfast
#Cherylspoems4kids #Childrenspoems

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

2021 JUN 09 * #2021CEH


Weeping willows sway
I sit in their shade and ask 
"Why are you crying?"

© 2021 Cheryl L. Crockett

#2021CEH #haiku #poem #poetry
#CherylsEverydayHaiku #tree #shade
#weeping #crying #willow 
#Cherylspoems4kids #Childrenspoems

2021 JUN 08 * #2021CEH


Ship captains look up
Constellations show the way 
With moon-ful guidance

© 2021 Cheryl L. Crockett

#2021CEH #haiku #poem #poetry
#CherylsEverydayHaiku #moon #nautical
#boating #ships #cruise #ocean #vessel
#stars #heavens #constellations #navigation 
#anchor #seaworthy #astronomy #lookup

Friday, June 4, 2021

2021 JUN 05 * #2021CEH


Justice unpursued
Four score plus twenty years more 
Tulsa awakens

© 2021 Cheryl L. Crockett

#2021CEH #haiku #poem #poetry
#CherylsEverydayHaiku #four #socialjustice
#racism #blacklivesmatter #haikuchallenge 
#GreenwoodAndArcher #justice #100years
#Tulsa #BlackWallStreet #masacre #BLM

2021 JUN 04 * #2021CEH


Freshly bathed toddler
Invades the pantry unseen. 
Crumby pudding face!

© 2021 Cheryl L. Crockett

#2021CEH #haiku #poem #poetry
#Childrenspoems #CherylsPoemsForKids
#bathtime #parenting #sticky #baby #children
#face #crumbs #pantry #pudding #toddler

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

2021 JUN 03 * #2021CEH


Late for the picnic,
Feuding cousins start fighting. 
Slowly back away!

© 2021 Cheryl L. Crockett

#2021CEH #haiku #poem #poetry
#haikuchallenge #fight
#slowlybackaway #dontgetinvolved #outdoors
#feud #cousin #family #conflict #picnic

Revision of a previous haiku linked here.

2021 JUN 02 * #2021CEH


Strong winds took my hat
And blew it into the park, 
There, on that statue!

© 2021 Cheryl L. Crockett

#2021CEH #haiku #poem #poetry
#nature #afternoon #family #gusts #outdoors
#hat #statue #winds #park #greenspace
#CherylsPoemsForKids #childrenspoems

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

2021 JUN 01 * #2021CEH


Orange floppy hat
Floats on gusts above wave crests 
Seagulls are surprised

© 2021 Cheryl L. Crockett

#2021CEH #haiku #poem #poetry
#CherylsEverydayHaiku #orange
#shore #summer #beach #floppy #hat #float
#waves #ocean #vacation #fashion #saltwater
#CherylsPoemsForKids #childrenspoems