Saturday, May 31, 2014

Thursday, May 29, 2014

2014 May 07 * Cheryl's Everyday #Haiku * Day 07

    Haiku Poem

Funny expressions
On his face, behind my back
Vanish as I turn.

By Cheryl Crockett 

#1aday2014 #poem #haiku
#mockery #funny #face

Inspired by Carolyn St. Charles' tweet:  

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

This Is My Poem For Maya Angelou [MEMORIAL]

For Maya Angelou (1928 - 2014)
She knew she was important
Even as a child.
In things she did not understand
So much un-reconciled.

She knew her words had power;
Endured an awful crime.
So much that she chose silence.
Speaking nothing for a time.

This is my poem for Maya.
I climb the distant hill.
And speak to God a "Thank You"
She's gone; we love her still.

She was a lovely dancer
And great songs she would sing.
Appearing on the silver screen,
She excelled at many things.

But for life in the public eye
All this was just the start
When she became an author
Great wisdom she'd impart.

Her words conveyed deep insights
From each corner of her life
Promoting across all social lines
Good will instead of strife.

This is my poem for Maya
I stand upon that stone
Reciting words she left us
And I am not alone.

Until now she walked with us
Her Creator, she's gone to see.
God said "Time to cross over,
Caged bird, you come to Me."

She's like a Mother Angel now
A treasured icon in our eyes.
Let's take her message forward
It's because of her we rise!

© 2014 Cheryl L. Crockett
May 28, 2014

#Poem #MayaAngelou

2014 April 16 * NaPoWriMo * Day 16 [Poem]

 Boardroom Booster

1.  I motion that we make a major move.
2.  Let everybody see that we're the best.
3.  Persistent in our purpose, we shall prove
4.  In excellence we rise above the rest.

2.  Let everybody see that we're the best.
5.  A product of hard work that has been done.
4.  In excellence we rise above the rest.
6.  And now it's time for shining in the sun. 

5.  A product of hard work that has been done.
7.  So well prepared we're answering the call.
6.  And now it's time for shining in the sun.
8.  Competitors are lacking; they will fall.

7.  So well prepared we're answering the call.
3.  Persistent in our purpose, we shall prove.
8.  Competitors are lacking; they will fall.
1.  I motion that we make a major move.

By Cheryl Crockett 

Today, I chose to forego this prompt, a choice the author of the #NaPoWriMo blog site approves.
Each post contains a message reminding us that prompts are optional.

#Poem #Boardroom #Business #Pantoum #NaPoWriMo #Alliteration

2014 May 06 * Cheryl's Everyday #Haiku * Day 06

    Haiku Poem

Fly crawls on my screen
Why does he want to come in?
See the red spray can?

By Cheryl Crockett 

#bug #spray #summer #insect
#1aday2014 #poem #haiku

2014 May 05 * Cheryl's Everyday #Haiku * Day 05

    Haiku Poem

A nosy neighbor
Inspects the cluttered front yard
Afterward she knocks.

By Cheryl Crockett 

#neighbor #nosy #clutter
#1aday2014 #poem #haiku

2014 May 04 * Cheryl's Everyday #Haiku * Day 04

    Haiku Poem

Feasting on berries.
Blue jays become dive bombers
Freshly hung laundry.

By Cheryl Crockett 

#bluejays #birds #laundry
#1aday2014 #poem #haiku

2014 May 03 * Cheryl's Everyday #Haiku * Day 03

    Haiku Poem

Vacuum cleaner stops.
One tiny morsel escapes
A mouse approaches.

By Cheryl Crockett 

The Poetry & Me Daily Part 3 included this in the May 29th edition.

#mouse #rodent #vacuum
#1aday2014 #poem #haiku

2014 May 02 * Cheryl's Everyday #Haiku * Day 02

    Haiku Poem

Romantic date ends.
Just in time for the sun to set
Clouds begin to blush.

By Cheryl Crockett 

#date #romance #love
#1aday2014 #poem #haiku

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

2014 May 01 * Cheryl's Everyday #Haiku * Day 01

    Haiku Poem

Devoutly Christian
I still write about real things
Sanctified, not fake.

By Cheryl Crockett 

The Poetry & Me Daily Part 3 featured this haiku on May 27th.

#1aday2014 #poem #haiku
#Christian #Faith #Writer #Devotion

Sunday, May 25, 2014

2014 April 30 * NaPoWriMo * Day 30 [Haiku]

    Haiku Poem

Refreshed with water
Beneath dehydrated leaves
New life emerges

By Cheryl Crockett 

NaPoWriMo #VidKu #Video #Haiku #Poem #Water
#Refresh #NewLife #Dehydrate #Houseplants

Friday, May 23, 2014

2014 April 29 * NaPoWriMo * Day 29 [Haiku]

    Haiku Poem

Sitting at home, I
Write fictional love haiku,
Then go out alone.

#Haiku #Poem
#Fiction #Love

Thursday, May 22, 2014

2014 April 28 * NaPoWriMo * Day 28 [Haiku]

    Haiku Poem

After a long kiss,
When our faces feel happy
We need a good hug.

By Cheryl Crockett 


2014 April 27 * NaPoWriMo * Day 27 [Haiku]

    Haiku Poem

Load your weapon now; 
Aim carefully at my face.
Shoot me with kisses.

By Cheryl Crockett 

#Haiku #Poem
#Love #Kisses

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

2014 April 26 * NaPoWriMo * Day 26 [Haiku]

    Haiku Poem

Make way for the sun
Blushing pale dawn horizon
Remember last night.

By Cheryl Crockett 

#Haiku #Poem #morning #dawn #blush
#walkofshame #inuendo #love #intimacy

Sunday, May 18, 2014

2014 April 15 * NaPoWriMo * Day 15 [Poem]

Warming Up To The Beach
                A Terza riMa

We all agree last winter was a strain.
But Spring is here and everything is fresh.
Although it seems we've had a lot of rain,

It's warming up; soon we can bare some flesh.
Let's go and sink our toes into some sand.
While wearing bathing suits with lots of mesh.

For lunch we can go by the pretzel stand,
Unless there's something else you'd like to do.
Let's get ice cream with one cone in each hand!

Then rent surf boards and catch a wave or two.
When sunset comes and only we remain,
So glad I had a fun beach day with you.

By Cheryl Crockett

Click here for the Official Day 15 Prompt

NaPoWriMo #terzarima #Poem
#Winter #Spring #Warmth #Beach
#Summer #Pretzel #Rain #IceCream

2014 April 24 * NaPoWriMo * Day 24 [Haiku]

    Haiku Poem

Piano teacher
Thumbs through files of sheet music
Just like comic books.

By Cheryl Crockett 
#Haiku #Poem
#piano #teacher
#music #sheetmusic

Saturday, May 17, 2014

2014 April 12 * NaPoWriMo * Day 12 [Poem]

Faith Feathers
     A ReplaceMent POEM that exchanges "Feathers" for "Faith"

Faith fastened from the follicles of my skin.
The most complex part of me...
So smooth and soft.

My faith can insulate me from harsh conditions in life
Children who notice it want to come close.
Because of my faith, I can fly.

By Cheryl Crockett 

Click here for the Official Day 12 Prompt
#NaPoWriMo #Replacement #Poem #Feather #Faith

2014 April 23 * NaPoWriMo * Day 23 [Haiku]

    Haiku Poem

Quiet tears sparkle
As they trickle down pink cheeks
Bewildered boyfriend.

By Cheryl Crockett 

#Haiku #Poem
Inspired by  (Twitter)

The Poetry and Me Daily Part 3 put this in its May 17th ed. two other of my haiku!
This one is at the bottom of the page.

2014 April 22 * NaPoWriMo * Day 22 [Haiku]

    Haiku Poem

Wino awakens
On a discarded mattress
Pedestrians pass

By Cheryl Crockett 

#Haiku #Poem

This one is about halfway down the page.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

2014 April 20 * NaPoWriMo * Day 20 [Haiku]

    Haiku Poem

Let's get acquainted.
I will spend my time carving
A place in your heart..

By Cheryl Crockett 

#Haiku #Poem

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

2014 April 19 * NaPoWriMo * Day 19 [Haiku]

    Haiku Poem

Shooting stars streak by.
But my preferred attaction
I find in your eyes.

By Cheryl Crockett 

#Haiku #Poem