Monday, February 8, 2021



Sometimes, 17 syllables is not compatible with my creative vision. At the same time, I may not be inclined to compress my haiku down to six words. That's when I embrace the freedom to write what I want to say and be done with it.

My example #haiku is from 2018 is linked here [CLICK]:

slipper search
toes reach blindly under couch

mouse trap

© 2018 Cheryl L. Crockett

The first line has 3 syllables, the 2nd line has 7, and the last line has 2. Feeling happy with what I've written, I decide to stop and say "this work is finished". I sincerely believe I might diminish this poem by changing it to fit a rule.

It's called "micro-poetry".

Confident that haiku can be written with eight syllables, or less, I believe it is possible to paint a picture with excellence using as few as three words, or less. Remembering that Japanese translations of haiku into English are often much smaller than 5-7-5, it is easy to reassign the poetry police to another task (maybe they could pay a bit more attention to those Limerick writers!).

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