Monday, February 15, 2021

Universally Understood Topics For Haiku


The majority of humans know what socks are and most have actually worn them. So, if I start talking about socks, it is unlikely that someone will reply “what are you talking about?” When I pick a topic that is universally understood, I automatically have common ground with my readers and therefore need fewer words to communicate to them about my topic. They already know it.

With agreement or mutual understanding on my topic, I can easily take it to the next level, presenting my scenario or perspective, or simply tell my story. My haiku can lead my reader in one direction, then surprise them with an unexpected twist in the end. This is easier to do if the reader is familiar with the subject of my poem. And when my topic is unfamiliar to most, I usually need to work much harder and be much more creative to write haiku about it.

In addition to socks in the laundry, my haiku so far this month have also been about 1. winter weather, 2. a moment on the beach, 3. talkative kids who tell all the family’s business, 4. a hospitalized sick parent, 5. Sports, 6. amphibious animals and their predators, 7. a new baby’s bath-time, etc. These poems have tapped into most of the senses and a wide variety of emotions. I thank everyone for their clicks, comments and shares.

Here’s to the remaining half of #NaHaiWriMo being universally understood!

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