Tuesday, February 9, 2021


 Day 10 Prompt HAIKU & DEATH

2020 was the year when a novel coronavirus spread across the globe, surrounding our lives with sudden anticipatory grief. As COVID-19 became the number one cause of death, other causes of death remain. The fear of loss, for many of us, was intensified. A timeless and universally relatable topic, death is no stranger to poetry, even haiku.

As one who has lost everyone in the household where I was raised, I have grieved first my mother, then, much later, my dad, and shortly afterward, my younger brother. Spending increasingly more time in the hospital with each of them as their final days approached, I celebrated each moment of reprieve, every development that inspired hope.

There are many ways to approach death in haiku. My personal approach is to tap into parts of my story, my losses, my grief, and then share them honestly as my genuine truth. Today, I choose an optimistic moment from a moment with my own mom during her final months.

For those who have recently lost someone, I extend my deepest sympathy during this difficult time.

death passes mom's room
to wander hospital halls
she opens her eyes

© 2021 Cheryl L. Crockett
#CherylsEverydayHaiku #NaHaiWriMo #haiku

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